Farida was featured February 2019

1. When did you start illustrating (for clients professionally?)

Ok, this ages me but i’ll tell you anyway! Since 1986

2. Who are your biggest influences?

Matisse, Roul Dufy, Jane Ray ( children’s book illustrator), Moira Kalman, Hilary Knight, Jennifer Orkin Lewis

3. What is your work process?

I do much of my work bvy hand and then tweak on Photoshop, however there are some projects that I will do on photoshop from the very start , giving it a hand done look.

4. What would you name as the biggest strength of your illustrations?

The colour choices, strokes, black and white line and whimsy.

5. Do you have any formal education in art?

I did my foundation at Chelsea Schol of Art and  I graduated from Wimbledon School of art in Illustartion and design both in England.

6. Where do you see the future of illustration?

It’s returned in a big way. For a while it took a back seat to photography but there seems to be a return to the hand painted handcrafted feel done by hand or on the computer. 

7. If you could offer one piece of advice to someone considering a career in illustration, what would it be?

Don’t put your eggs in one basket, diversify if possible.

8. Last words?

I am grateful that I can do what I love for a living, and I wish the same for you!

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Farida Zaman

Website: faridazaman.com
Phone: (416)783-3168

Farida Zaman's work is sophisticated yet whimsical – great for fashion, lifestyle, food, health, and finance-related subjects. " I love working by hand in watercolour and inks, as well as importing playful hand drawn lines into the computer and then adding colour digitally".