Huan was featured February/March 2013

1. When did you start illustrating (for clients professionally?)

I struck out and started illustrating for clients in 2003.

2. Who are your biggest influences?

I find influences are everywhere and pop in at random to inspire me. They are numerous and most times I don't even know who they are by name, just that their art, words or creativity keeps me creating.

3. What is your work process?

I start with concept thumbnails and then work on a linear sketch. Once the concept and sketch are approved, I bring the linear into the computer and start working on the image in Adobe Illustrator. I work primarily in vector and most of my art are vector illustrations.

4. What would you name as the biggest strength of your illustrations?

My illustrations range from editorial to advertising. Being vector, the images are scalable without losing resolution and easier to edit when it comes to revisions.

5. Do you have any formal education in art?

I have a degree in illustration from OCAD University and another in computer science from UWO.

6. Where do you see the future of illustration?

Illustration will always be in demand, but the medium in which it is presented will change over time.

7. If you could offer one piece of advice to someone considering a career in illustration, what would it be?

A career in illustration requires persistence, 110% commitment and a drive to create the best art possible.

8. Last words?

Wear funny socks, you're taking life too seriously otherwise.




Huan Tran

Huan Tran

Phone: 416.538.3297

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Huan Tran is a pretzel bender who wishes he were a fish. His work spans the range from editorial to advertising with clients ranging from The Harvard Business Review to Coke. Huan likes art, hates onions and currently runs Leaking Faucet Studio.

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