Katarina was featured November 2020

1. When did you start illustrating (for clients professionally?)

I began illustrating in 2011. I uploaded some of my first illustrations to the Association of Illustrators in Slovakia. It took a while to get noticed, but after that, publishers began contacting me.

2. Who are your biggest influences?

Many other brilliant artists.

3. What is your work process?

I work digitally. Usually I begin with sketches that are discussed with the publisher, and then I turn it into a final illustration.

4. What would you name as the biggest strength of your illustrations?

I love to draw characters of children who display different kinds of emotions.

5. Do you have any formal education in art?

Yes, I studied at the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava, Slovakia, which is a beautiful city in heart of Europe.

6. Where do you see the future of illustration?

In books.

7. If you could offer one piece of advice to someone considering a career in illustration, what would it be?

Make a good sketch, think about what you want to draw. Learn from others. Enjoy your work.

8. Last words?

Thank you for the opportunity.



Katarina Gasko

Website: www.asil.sk/katarina-gasko

Katarina creates illustrations and designs for children's books, editorial, advertising and educational material. Her client list include Carus Publishing, Albatros, IKAR, Slovart, Host, Modry Slon, Fragment, B4U, Wustenrot, Rubicon, SickKids Foundation, PetSmart Charities