Kris was featured December 2006/January 2007

1. When did you start illustrating (for clients professionally?)

I've been selling my work to people since I was a teen, but my first 'professional' job, if you will, was in 2003.

2. Who are your biggest influences?

Tom Wolfe is, without a doubt, the biggest influence on my drawing style. He doesn't get a lot of credit for his art, but I consider it superior to his writing. He has a way of drawing hands which I love.
Also, Ralph Steadman, but mostly to remind me that I can do a lot more with a drawing than is 'usual'.

3. What is your work process?

I draw the illustrations in pen and ink, and then either leave them as they are, or colour them. I colour most often in watercolour, but sometimes in Photoshop. Occasionally I will add accents with crayons.

4. What would you name as the biggest strength of your illustrations?

The mood expressed in each illustration.

5. Do you have any formal education in art?

I attended BealArt in London Ont. for two years, it is a post-secondary, pre-university school, and it is the school Jack Chambers and Greg Curnoe attended.

6. Where do you see the future of illustration?

I think illustration is, and will be, making a come-back in magazines. People are inundated with so much reality now that sometimes we need to step back and squint our eyes a bit to see the real picture.

7. If you could offer one piece of advice to someone considering a career in illustration, what would it be?

Practice often.

8. Last words?

Art is not photography, use a ruler only if you absolutely have to.





Kris Law

Phone: (416)925-8434

Kris illustrates in both digital and traditional methods.

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